Sunday, 15 January 2012

Chapter 6- AIDA


A- Attention
I- Interest
D- Desire
A- Action

Examples of Print Advertisment using Attention

Getting Attention:
Use large, bold or interesting letters
Use attractive or colourful pictures
Use Celebrities for endorsement

A spiky rabbit grabs the viewers attention to find out what is going on

Two elephants in unusual posture generate attention

Using Celebrities as endorsement

Examples of Print Advertisment generating INTEREST

Use methods such as humour, eccentricness, to cater to customer fancy

Use persuasive statements

An Unusual Layout of the car, lighting effect and the use of creative phrases.

Use of persuasive and creative sentences to create interest

Examples of Print advertisment Generating Desire

- Highlight unique features fo products
- Emphasise unique feature of products
- Appeal to target consumers emotional needs

Selling unique features of touch controls

Appeal to the emotional needs, emphasise the benfits of using the product. In this case, it is very "man" to use IWC watches, a sign of masculinity.

Examples of Advertisment for consumer to take Action

- To entice the customer to take action after generating their Attention, Interest, Desire. To buy, enquire about your products

Business provide methods of contacting them, (weblink, Iphone scan)

Sentosa Underwater world promotion


Can you identify the AIDA in the following posters

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog.Thanks for providing this information.Media Broker International is a internet advertising agency and also provides print advertising, magazine advertising, television advertising, radio advertising, Internet advertising, direct mail and radio advertising, out-of-home
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